Safe and secure
crypto-based store of value.


XAU brings liquidity to the Stellar Network. Our main goal is to be a crypto-based store of value without the hassle of gold storage security.

Trade XAU on trusted platforms for greater security.

Trade XAU on Lobstr
XAU Provides crypto-based Gold tokens on Stellar

Buy Gold, XAU and ORO Stellar Network Tokens

XAU.CL issues XAU, Gold, and ORO tokens on the Stellar Network, created as a crypto-based store of value. Currently, we do not hold any physical gold. The value of XAU resides in the trust provided by its users and it’s liquidity pools.

XAU is Safe & Secure

Securely invest in digital gold assets.

Investing in is a reliable way to preserve value for various reasons. Its long-standing demand, finite resource, inflation hedge and safe haven asset during economic uncertainty makes it an excellent store of value.

swap stellar gold
Optimize Your Wealth with Digital Gold

Secure and Grow your Wealth with XAU.

Our innovative platform presents a unique opportunity to invest in a crypto-asset designed to store value as gold. While not backed by physical gold, it capitalizes on the growth potential of digital assets, offering a new avenue for wealth creation. Embrace the fusion of tradition and technology for a future-focused investment strategy.

xau price history
Long term investing strategy

We invest in assets that adds value to the Network.

We strategically invest with a long-term perspective, concentrating on assets that contribute to the value of the Stellar Network. Our methodology yields earnings through liquidity provision and the collection of fees associated with liquidity pools.

Features and Benefits

Make investment management fast, easy & accountable.

Low Fees

You can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering various payment options and a seamless experience.

Fast Transaction Time

You can swap assets, make payments quickly and easily, ensuring a smooth transactions experience.

Multiple Payment Methods

Our advanced security features protect your business and your customers from fraud and data breaches

Frequently asked questions

What is XAU?

XAU is the recognized symbol denoting a troy ounce of gold, which is a standard unit for measuring precious metals, equivalent to 31.1035 grams.

In the realm of financial indices, XAU plays a crucial role in the Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index, which is a key indicator of the performance of leading companies involved in the extraction of these precious metals. It’s a gauge for assessing the sector’s vitality and prospects.

The incorporation of XAU into an investment strategy offers several advantages.

Understanding and utilizing XAU is essential for savvy investors looking to navigate the complexities of gold investment, ensuring a balanced approach to managing and growing one’s wealth in the face of fluctuating market conditions.

XAU.CL creates a crypto-based XAU asset that emulates all the real-life gold boundaries within the crypto market.

XAU.CL is available in most trusted Stellar exchanges:

Trade XAU on Lobstr
Trade XAU on StellarX
Trade XAU on StellarTerm
Take control of your financial future

© 2022 XAU.CL